
传统教育 — Steve Pavlina:智者的个人发展[笔记] – 权威 (5/12)

2021-02-19 15:41:05

Authority is the principle devised from truth and power.


Truth without power accomplishes nothing.


Power without truth generates wasted action.


When you live without authority, your default behavior is to squander your time.


You may acquire some knowledge, but you won’t apply it well.


You may take some action, but your movements will be chaotic and unfocused.


You have the potential to live a powerful self-directed life of your choosing, but until you step into your true authority, this potential remains a fantasy.


With authority, you not only assume responsibility for your life, you take complete command of it.


There’s only one true authority in your life, and it’s you. You make the decisions.


There’s no higher authority in this life than you.


If you fail to claim authority over your own life, someone else will surely claim it for you. Many people allow their spouse, parents, or boss to practically run their lives. You become increasingly helpless as you distance yourself from your true nature. You are meant to be free.


Look around you and notice the results you’re currently getting. Life is simply obeying your commands. If you want different results, you must issue different orders.


Effectiveness is the true measure of authority.


Consider two questions:


1. Am I making the correct decisions?

1. 我的决策对吗?

2. Am I taking the correct actions?

2. 我采取的行动对吗?

Notice how elegantly the principles of truth and power work together to improve your personal effectiveness over time:


First, you identify one of your desires and make a decision to move toward it.


Then you use your predictive abilities to select a reasonable course of action.


As you progress toward your goal, you need only identify the next action you predict will move you in the correct direction.


You use your power to move yourself forward, one step at a time.


Even as you take these microsteps, your predictive mind is always looking ahead, continually refining its selections and evaluating the results of the decisions you’ve already implemented.


Maybe you reach your goal; maybe you don’t. Either way you experience a powerful gain.


When you succeed, your successful predictions, decisions, and behaviors are reinforced.


When you fail, your mind learns that its predictions were inaccurate, and it updates your model of reality to help prevent you from repeating the same mistakes.


Failure is your friend. While it’s often disappointing to miss the goal you aimed for, there’s always a consolation prize. When you fail, you become smarter. You teach your mind to become better at prediction. This is an immensely powerful result.


After thousands of cycles of identifying and fixing mistakes, I became a very good programmer.


You can’t expect to be competent when you tackle something new, but you can expect that you’ll improve over time.


All you have to do is set a goal, make decisions that you think will lead you in the right direction, and keep taking action.


Either you’ll succeed, or you’ll learn from your failures.


If you fail a great deal, it just means you have more to learn before you’re ready to succeed.


Be willing to make decisions that may fail. Even though failure may have negative consequences, it also yields important positive results. It ultimately teaches you to succeed. You can’t be a true authority unless you commit to being a lifelong student.


If you quit too early, you’ll never complete the shift from novice to expert. The expert level is where most of the rewards are found.


Understand that failure and success are not opposites. Failure is an unavoidable part of success. When you fail, it means you’re taking action, so you’re making mistakes and educating yourself. Success happens naturally once you finally learn how to take the correct actions.


Don’t pressure yourself to achieve massive success the first time out. Just do the best you can. At first, your best may be barely above idiot. Eventually you’ll gain some basic competency, and farther down the road, people will call you an expert. An expert being a person who’s failed enough to succeed.


Eventually they learn what they need to learn. They successfully adapt their predictions to fit reality, and finally their actions begin producing the intended results.


If you’re clear about what you want, settle for nothing less. Accept that success will take time, perhaps much longer than you’d like. Rid yourself of the fast and easy, something-for-nothing mindset. Keep your head down, work hard, and know that your efforts will eventually pay off, as long as you keep learning and growing.


As you perceive reality with increasing accuracy, your decisions will improve, and in turn so will your actions and thereby your results.


Accurate beliefs lead to effective results, and confidence is the emotional residue of effectiveness. You feel confident when you can expect positive results from your actions with a high degree of certainty.


Power can be applied to meaningless pursuits, or it can be channeled toward significant achievements.


What’s important to you in life?


What’s a relative waste of your time?


TRIAGE can help you focus your attention on the most significant actions. Divide between:

1. projects that will fail to have a significant impact, whether you do them or not

2. projects that will succeed anyway, whether you do them or not

3. projects that will have a significant impact only if you complete them in a timely manner


1. 不论你做不做,都不能产生重要影响的项目

2. 不论你做不做,都会成功的项目

3. 只有你及时完成才能对产生重要影响的项目

Ask yourself, “Is this the most important thing for me to be doing right now?”


What are the group-3 projects that are dying in the trenches, but can still be saved if you reach them in time?


Your health?


Your relationship?


Your career?


In order to make time to save them, which group-1-and-2 are you willing to pass up?


Don’t blindly follow the advice of experts.


Find out what works best for you by conducting personal experiments.


Don’t dismiss any ideas until you’ve actually tried them.


Get in touch with what’s most important to you in life. If you felt responsible for the entire world, what would you want to change first?


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